
Below is a list of publications that have been published by Croatians in Western Australia or about Croatians in Western Australia. We’ll keep adding to the list as we find new items to add. If you can contribute to this list, please let us know by using the Contact link above.

So Little, So Much (2007)

A biography of Joe Zekulich (Joze Zekulić) and his wife, Rose. Joe arrived in Fremantle in 1924 and worked on the goldfields, sleeper-cutting in the south-west and eventually settled in the Swan Valley.

Wines and Wineries of the West (1990)

An introduction into wine-making and wineries in Western Australia with historical notes on the wine industry and on each winery.

In Search of Land: Stories of Yuna (2002)

Stories of the residents Yuna district in the Chapman Valley Shire from the early 1900s through to 2002.

Yes it is… (2023)

A detailed history of the Polich and Katavich families who came to Australia from the Vrgorac area. It also contains a brief history of Croatia, a history of the Vrgorac region and a detailed description of life on the Goldfields’ woodlines.

An Australian Life: memoirs of a naturalist, conservationist, traveller and writer (2000)

A memoir of one of Australia’s leading conservationists who over four decades campaigned, lobbied, filmed, wrote and spoke to preserve some of Australia’s wildlife and environments, including Sydney Harbour, Great Barrier Reef, Lake Eyre, Centennial Park, Fraser Island and Lake Peddler. His work resulted in more than sixty books and at least fifty television documentaries.

Pjesma o biedi i nevolje dalmatinskog seljaka i življenje u Zapadnoj Australiji. (1912)

(A Ballad about the misery and trouble of Dalmatian peasant and living in Western Australia.)

Written in the old Dalmatian dialect, Mišurac writes about the factors that drove thousands of Dalmatians from their homeland, and the harsh severity of life he and others experienced on the woodlines of WA. The original manuscript is in the Croatian National Library in Zagreb while a number of copies are held in WA.

Into the World (1992)
ALAC, Mate

An insightful autobiography about the harsh realities of Western Australia in the 1920s.

A Cry from Afar – Croats of Western Australia 1976-2016 (2021)
ASIC, Stephen (Stjepan)

A memoir chronicling the life of post-war migrant Croatians and their work in preserving a Croatian identity. There is also a Croatian language edition.

Cockburn: The Making of a Community (1978)
BERSON, Michael

A comprehensive history of the Cockburn district including sections about Croatians who settled in the area.

A Changing People: Diverse Contributions to the State of Western Australia (2004)

Chapter 3 “Ethnics, Cosmpolitans and Others: Croatians in Western Australia at the Beginning of the 21st Century”, A Changing People: Diverse Contributions to the State of Western Australia (2004)

To Make a Better Life: Yugoslavs in the Swan Valley (1988)

Photographs and interviews giving an insight into the life of early Croatian migrants to the Swan Valley in WA

For a Better Life: Yugoslavs on the Goldfields on Western Australia 1890-1970 (2021)

A detailed academic work about life on the Goldfields as experienced by Yugoslavs, mostly Dalmatian Croatians.

Shattered Ideals and Fractured Identities: Western Australia to Yugoslavia and back 1948-1955 (2018)

A detailed story about Yugoslav West Australians (mostly Croatians) who left Australia to help rebuild a war-torn Yugoslavia, only to return a few years later.

The Wreck of the Barque Stefano off the North West Cape of Australia in 1875 (1990)
RATHE, Gustave

A detailed account of a shipwreck, and the survival of the author’s grandfather.

Destiny in the Sands: A Migrant’s Story (2008)
SARDELIC, Simun “Sam”

A detailed autobiography about war, El Shatt refugee camp and migration to Australia.

The Home Fires (1982)

An autobiographical account of being interned during World War One.

Journey Beyond Origin (1998)

An autobiography about migrating to WA and learning to survive in a new country. Also a good account of Yugoslav politics in Western Australia.

Croats in Australia (1992)

A brief history of Croatians in Australia with sections specifically about Western Australia. English language version available.

Spearwood Dalmatinac Sport and Community Club: Biographies of Life Members 1962-2022 (2022)

Short biographies and photo-history of the club’s life members.

Sure Beats Working (2018)
BOTICA, Freddy

Autobiography of Auckland-born radio announcer of Croatian parents. Initially a sign-writer, Freddie accidentally stumbled into radio to become a record-breaking broadcaster both in New Zealand and in Perth in a career spanning five decades.

Pod Australskim Nebom (1973) (Under an Australian Sky)

A detailed autobiography of Montengrin-born Marković about his experiences of journeying to Australia at an young age, working in Broken Hill, Far North Queensland, WA Goldfields, war service in New Guinea, returning to Yugoslavia in 1948 on the Partizanka and eventually settling in Perth. It has a detailed account of Yugoslav politics in WA. Written in Croatian

Split Lives: Australia Croatian Stories (2004)

Eight stories by Croatian migrants who came to Australia between 1949 and 1996 with different expectations and motivations. Together, the stories portray a variety of migrant experiences.

Grind Core (1996)

A play written by Western Australian playwright George Blazevic set on the Croatian-Bosnian border in the winter of 1994-95.

Zoran Ukich: retrospective (2024)

A showcase of art produced by Zoran Ukich during the 1970s-1980s and 1990s, including photography, painting and woodwork. The bilingual publication also includes a biography, and brief histories of Prvić Šepurina, Wanneroo and the Ukić family.

Growing Roots (2024)
GILLGREN, Christina

Growing Roots provides insights into the lives of Croatian and Italian pioneers of the Southwest timber industry and their struggles to build a life in WA. Their stories are intertwined with developments in the timber industry and the ongoing tug-of-war between preservation and use of native forests.